Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library
Friends of the library believe that good library service is important to everyone.
We proudly serve as volunteers for special activities and sponsor various program throughout the year.
- Books and Babies was started in 1995. Each baby born in Johnson County receives a handmade book bag with a board book and a book suggestion list.
- Book sales are held throughout the year in the Library's meeting room.
- Art in Bloom Silent Auction Fundraiser is held in the spring each year. Are you a local artist who would like to donate your talent for this fundraiser, contact the library before the first of March.
- Summer & Winter reading programs for children, teens, & adults. Friends help purchase craft supplies, snacks, prizes, and feature programs.
- Helps to put on the Library's Annual Live Auction Fundraiser.
- Flowers are planted and maintained on the Library grounds.
- Programs of general interest are arranged throughout the year.
Won't You Join Us?
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the months during the school year (no meetings are held in June, July, August, or December) in the Johnson County Library meeting room. Ask for our brochure at the Library or contact an officer for more information.
Interested in joining the Friends of the Library Book Club?