Welcome Teens!

The YA Department offers...


Books, magazines, audio books, fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels.  There's also plenty of comfortable seating to read, do homework or research, hang out with friends, or play games.

Online Resources

Card Catalog: Find NEW books and get access to your account to renew and place holds.
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Technology Solutions

  • Computers
  • Word processing
  • Printing
  • Online databases
  • Games
  • Nabis – we have a Nabi and a Nabi Junior for in-library use.
  • Computer users under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian come to the library and read and sign the Internet Use Policy giving them permission to go on the internet.

WIFI – families are welcome to bring their laptops and use the library’s WiFi.

Teen Programs

Bits & Pieces' Image

Bits & Pieces'

Hey Teens!

6th - 12th grade students the library is the place to be every other Tuesday afternoon, October- March (see complete schedule). Teen Librarian, Teresa has a great lineup of programs planned from board game afternoons, to creative crafting; there will even be a bit of robot coding. Break the routine, come hang out at the library, and let your creativity flow.

Blind Date with a Book! Image

Blind Date with a Book!

We've wrapped up some books and written hints for you to take a chance on reading something new! Stop in and see if anything catches your eye!